Official Competition
62Competition 1
72Competition 2
52Competition 3
62Competition 4
53Competition 5
63Competition 6
52Competition 7
62Competition 8
62Competition 9
00Competition 5
00Competition 7
00Competition 8
00Competition 1
00Competition 2
00Competition 9
00Competition 3
00Competition 4
00Competition 6
Thematics programs
71Experimental shorts
101Carte Blanche Slamdance
62Animated Shorts
71Haitian Panorama : Contemporary Cinema
51Italian Focus
82Short & Sweet
91Genre films
71La Fête du Court Métrage - 70 ans d'Unifrance
00Carte Blanche Slamdance
00Haitian Panorama : Contemporary Cinema
00Short & Sweet
00Genre films
00Experimental shorts
00La Fête du Court Métrage - 70 ans d'Unifrance
00Animated Shorts
00Italian Focus
Youth films programs
73Big Kids Shorts (Schools)
85High School program
71Family Shorties 1
81Family Shorties 2
72High School program 100% English
00Big Kids Shorts
00Family Shorties 2
00High School program
00High School program 100% English
00Big Kids Shorts (Schools)
00Family Shorties 1
Short Film Market
1Networking Breakfast #1
1Networking Breakfast #2
1Boot Camp: Lussier & Khouzam - Arts and Entertainment Law
1Masterclass: Jeremy Comte
1Short Term Memory: Shorts and their Longevity
1Double Vision: Filmmaking in Tandem
1Case Study: Telefilm Canada's Talent to Watch Program
1Boot Camp: Doc Ignite
1Master Class: Renée Beaulieu
1Short Film Conference: Festival Strategy and Distribution
1Short Film Conference: Spotlight on South America
1Living Portraits: the Docu-Animation Genre
1One-on-one with Rémy Girard
1Opening Night Cocktail
1Happy Hour 100% Saguenay
1Launch of the competition Cocktail
1Opening of the Tempo UBISOFT x REGARD
1Happy Hour Super Écran
1Cabaret I Super Écran
1Post-Moderne Cocktail
1Concert surprise
1Cabaret II La Noce
1Cours écrire ton court Cocktail– Awarding of prizes
1Concert surprise
1Cabaret III Kino 20e birthday
1Kino’s 20 Happy Hour
1Awards Presentation
1Volunteers Cocktail
Special projects
1An interactive talk with François Quévillon
1Simultaneous VR experience
1Simultaneous VR experience
1Simultaneous VR experience
1Simultaneous VR experience
1Blind cinema
1Simultaneous VR experience
1Mémoire collective
1Gala DAE - Students Short Film Competition
1100 films in 100 minutes
1Simultaneous VR experience
1Best Picks Screening