Saguenay international
short film festival


An international film crew in the first overtime hour, shortly before sunrise. The hired intimacy coordinator interrupts the filming of a sex scene due to an unarranged move by the actor, which the director has secretly instructed. A conflict arises. The sun threatens to rise. How will the last take be shot?

Production :
Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin
Contact :
Cast :
Julia Effertz, Leon Ullrich and Lia Von Blarer
Cinematographer :
Giulia Schelhas
Screenplay :
Luis Schubert

In competition for :

Public Award - Official Competition

Quebec Critic Award AQCC

Jury Prize

  • Luis Schubert

    Luis Schubert was born in 1993 and grew up in a French-German environment in Munich. After his degree in "Cinema and Audiovisual" at the Sorbonne in Paris, he studies directing at the German Academy of Film and Television in Berlin (DFFB).