Saguenay international
short film festival


Between what is and what was, she dances.

Production :
Claudia Chabot
Distribution :
Claudia Chabot
Contact :
Sound designer :
François-Pierre Legendre
Screenplay :
Claudia Chabot
Cast :
Sarah Vaillancourt Tremblay
Cinematographer :
Laurie-Ann Dufour Guérin

  • Claudia Chabot

    Claudia Chabot is a director and producer. Her latest films were screened in Quebec and in France : pOésieCULAIRE, Un an déjà,, Univers intimes and Madame Dubois et les cyclo-machines. She is also developing, at La bande Sonimage, the production of more than twenty short films with Saguenay's filmmakers.