Saguenay international
short film festival


After the death of her father, this only child returns home, to Saguenay. She must empty the house of her father, a hoarder. Through various accumulated objects, she will go through her father's life, trying to find out at the same time what is her place among this multitude of memories.

Production :
La Boîte de pickup
Distribution :
Contact :
Screenplay :
Jean-Marc E. Roy, Jean-Marc E.Roy and Philippe David Gagné
Cast :
Charlotte Aubin and Macha Limonchik
Cinematographer :
Olivier Gossot

  • Jean-Marc E. Roy

    Jean-Marc E.Roy and Philippe David Gagné have been working together since 2008. They have received many CALQ and SODEC grants for their productions which have also been shown in several countries and have been awarded around the world, in addition to being broadcast on the web and American television (PBS).

  • Philippe David Gagné