Saguenay international
short film festival


A man with his wife, in a loud silence, tries to peacefully live the time he has left with his brother, whom is at the end of life.

Production :
Distribution :
Contact :
Music :
Dear Criminals
Screenplay :
Jean-Moise Bellance and Gaëtan Reine
Cast :
Jean-Moise Bellance, Marilou Desbiens, Josée Gagnon, Norah Norah, Gaetan Reine and Sophie Torris
Cinematographer :
Louis Moulin

  • Gaëtan Reine

    Graduate of the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi in interdisciplinary arts Gaëtan Reine is a screenwriter and director. His debut film "Hilarion" is a poetic documentary acclaimed at festivals for his humility, sensitivity and honesty. Since then, he has been focusing on fiction projects with as much humanity as ever.