Saguenay international
short film festival


The lively Emily is a talented eight year old cheerleader living in Texas. As the youngest member of a family that has been hunting for generations, she is preparing for an important challenge. Soon, she will embark on her first hunt.

Production :
Lionheart Productions
Contact :
Editing :
Kwinten Gernay
Cinematographer :
Griet Goelen and Louise Van Assche
Screenplay :
Louise Van Assche

In competition for :

Public Award - Youth Competition

  • Louise Van Assche

    Louise Van Assche is a Belgian documentary filmmaker. In 2014, she graduated at RITCS school of Arts with “MamaMin”, a personal documentary about her mother. In 2019 Louise moved to Austin Texas. Soon after her arrival in the States, she ended up in the middle of the Black Lives Matter protests and made a documentary about it called "The Conversation".

  • Griet Goelen

    Griet Goelen graduated in 2015 at RITCS School of Arts with a bachelor's degree in cinematography. She directed and filmed a short documentary portrait 'PS', about a porn director and actor dealing with loneliness. Griet is intrigued by what is seen as normal in our society and who seems to be standing outside.