Saguenay international
short film festival


To impress some partyers, Jules invites them to his family's bowling alley. He tries to follow their revelry, but loses control of the chaotic night and struggles to contain them.

Production :
École des médias de l'UQAM
Contact :
Music :
Louis-Joseph Cliche and Ludovic Rolland-Marcotte
Sound designer :
Félix Bouffard-Dumas
Screenplay :
Olivier Côté
Cast :
Lévi Doré, Henri Picard and Édouard Tremblay-Grenier
Editing :
Alexis Viau
Cinematographer :
Xavier Bossé
Artistic direction :
Sarah Warren

In competition for :

Jury award

Public award


  • Olivier Côté

    Olivier Côté is a young Montreal based director and scriptwriter. He started his career directing music videos before studying in cinema at UQAM. Strike marks the end of his academic journey.