Saguenay international
short film festival


It's 10:47 pm on a bus somewhere in a city. A few teenagers are listening to music and talking loudly. The other passengers look languidly out the window or at their cell phones. A drunk man gets in and joins the teenagers; the mood starts to shift…

Production :
Zurich University of the Arts
Distribution :
Zurich University of the Arts
Contact :
Cast :
Nadim Ben Said, Matia Frei, Pauline Hunziker, Nadège Kanku and Mina Wehrli

In competition for :

Best Youth Short Film

  • Michael Karrer

    Born in Bern, Switzerland in 1992. Since 2013, he's studying at the Zurich University of the Arts in Master Film, Directing Fiction. He is a writer and director, known for the shorts Fragments of a fawerell (2017) et Contenance (2017). The short 22:47 Linie 34 is his latest work.