Saguenay international
short film festival


Sam spend most of his summer at the skatepark, with his friend Max, practicing tricks, smoking weed. His main goal is to buy a camera to make a sponsored video. To find the money to do so, he decides to follow his friend to steal weed at a marijuana field.

Production :
Tim Bouvette and Paola Arriagada-Nunez
Distribution :
Tim Bouvette
Contact :
Animation :
Étienne Theriault
Music :
Pascal Palomino
Sound designer :
Michael Anctil, Francois Tremblay and Louis Trudel
Screenplay :
Tim Bouvette, Guillaume Harvey and Alexandre Pelletier
Cast :
Thomas Derasp Verge, Lévi Doré and Sam-Éloi Girard
Editing :
Marie-Pier Grignon
Cinematographer :
Étienne Dagenais
Artistic direction :
Mathieu Turcotte

In competition for :

Best film Shoot no matter what!

Best Youth Short Film

  • Tim Bouvette

    Tim’s passion for movies started at 12, when he received his first camera. He began to film, direct and edit skating videos at a young age. His passion progressed when he started directing short documentary films about snowboarding. Since then, he realised more than 30 commercials.