Saguenay international
short film festival

"In the same vein as the September 27 demonstrations, join this walk and rally around a set of galvanizing works that shed light on Indigenous and environmental issues. Let’s keep mobilizing and stressing the urgency of taking action, with short films as our catalyst.

* Gather under the Tempo to walk with us to the screening.
Click here to know all the films of the screening Grand rassemblement.

Free Admission.

Grand rassemblement
March 13 - 05:00PM
L'âge adulte (Season 3)
March 13 - 07:30PM
Racines croisées : Exhibition
March 14 - 08:30AM
Short Meme Battle
March 14 - 05:00PM
Podcast Maison VIII
March 14 - 07:30PM