Saguenay international
short film festival


The shop manager of a floating bordershop-container in the Baltic Sea, casts off the chains to shore to save the universe of love she and her employees have created inside.

Production :
North Ship Film
Distribution :
North Ship Film
Contact :
Music :
Daniel Herskedal, Julius Pollux Rothlaender and Thorarensen Sigurlaug
Sound designer :
Diana Queiros
Screenplay :
Hilke Rönnfeldt
Cast :
David Bredin, Clara Dessau, Malin Levanon, Arash Marandi and Yandeh Sallah
Editing :
Matilda Henningsson
Cinematographer :
Maria Grazia Goya
Artistic direction :
Signe Krab Nymann

In competition for :

Grand Prize

Jury Award

AQCC award

Audience award Official competition

  • Hilke Rönnfeldt

    Hilke Rönnfeldt is a screenwriter and director based in Copenhagen. Her previous short A STUDY OF EMPATHY won the Golden Leopard at Locarno FF 2023 and got nominated for the European Film Awards 2024. With her work, she has been selected for Torino Script Lab, Berlinale Talents, LIM Less is More and European Film Promotion’s Future Frames Program for Emerging Directors.