The shop manager of a floating bordershop-container in the Baltic Sea, casts off the chains to shore to save the universe of love she and her employees have created inside.
Production :
North Ship Film
Distribution :
North Ship Film
Contact :
Music :
Daniel Herskedal, Julius Pollux Rothlaender and Thorarensen Sigurlaug
Sound designer :
Diana Queiros
Screenplay :
Hilke Rönnfeldt
Cast :
David Bredin, Clara Dessau, Malin Levanon, Arash Marandi and Yandeh Sallah
Editing :
Matilda Henningsson
Cinematographer :
Maria Grazia Goya
Artistic direction :
Signe Krab Nymann
In competition for :
Grand Prize
Jury Award
AQCC award
Audience award Official competition