Saguenay international
short film festival


There’s no place like home, unless you travel around the world for three years and don’t wish to come back. Memories last forever but don’t lose yourself in them.

Production :
Les Productions David Latreille
Distribution :
Les Productions David Latreille
Contact :
Music :
Pop Cranko
Cast :
Rachel Anctil Poirier
Editing :
David Latreille
Cinematographer :
Nicolas Venne

In competition for :

Shoot no matter what!

  • David Latreille

    Mystifying women are unequivocally the focal point of David Latreille’s films. His singular approach is exemplified through strong visual compositions and distinct musical scores. His latest two short films Scarlet and The Boudoir have been screened at a multitude of critically acclaimed international film festivals.