Saguenay international
short film festival


Soudure symphonique metaphorically reunites two worlds at their antipodes: classical music and working-class environments. By joining Tchaikovsky to industrial welding, this short film offers a poetic glance on orchestra conducting, transforming it into a symphony of sparkles.

Production :
Gabriel Fortin
Distribution :
Gabriel Fortin
Contact :
Music :
Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski
Sound designer :
Thomas Duchesnes, Sébastien Gravel-Simard and Amaury Pluvinage
Cast :
Patrick Fortin
Cinematographer :
Samuel Pinel-Roy

In competition for :

100% Saguenay

  • Gabriel Fortin

    Gabriel Fortin lives and creates in the region of Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean. His work juggles between cinema and visual arts. His films have been screened at various festivals in Quebec and across the world.