Jura, France. A judge asks for a reconstruction of a crime scene to shed light on all the unresolved questions of a murder. The accused, a family of three Quebecker women, must recreate in detail, for the court, the day of the crime.
Production :
Capricci and La Boîte de pickup
Distribution :
Capricci and Spira
Contact :
Music :
Amaury Chabauty
Sound designer :
Christian Rivest
Screenplay :
Jean-Marc E.Roy, Philippe David Gagné and Daisy Sadler
Cast :
Charli Arcouette, Nadia Essadiqi and Pascale Montpetit
Editing :
Jean-Marc E.Roy and Philippe David Gagné
Cinematographer :
Olivier Gossot
Artistic direction :
Josie-Anne Lemieux
In competition for :
Canadian Grand Prize
Jury Award
International FIPRESCI Critic's Award
Public award