Saguenay international
short film festival


Mona is an imaginative teenager who— like her brother — struggles with ASD. She is on the eve of a giant step in her life: she will make the transition to mainstream education. She has to say goodbye to her classmates and make new friends. An exciting new world is opening up for her, but that creates extra tension.

Production :
Distribution :
Contact :
Editing :
Veuskens Geert

In competition for :

Best Youth Short Film Award

  • Sarah Van Dale

    Sarah Van Dale works as a film director, writer and editor. She’s fascinated by the environment of youth. The way they think, look, dream, fight, ... It causes magic in front of the lens and brings solace for the adult who might have forgotten what youth is made of. ‘Instead of directing them, they direct the style of my film.’ That makes most of Sarah’s films a hybrid experience.