Saguenay international
short film festival


After a long trip abroad, Aurelie reunites with her friend and her memories, but above all with Arnaud, whom she had left without warning.

Production :
Romane Lepage et Antoine Rivard-Nolin
Distribution :
La Bande Sonimage
Contact :
Music :
Sandro Guédy
Sound designer :
Samuel Boucher and Christophe Voyer
Screenplay :
Romane Lepage
Cast :
Sandra Dumaresq, Janie Faucher-Roy, Jeane Landry-Proulx, Marc-Antoine Morin and Kevin Tremblay
Editing :
Zoé Guèvremont
Cinematographer :
Philippe St-Gelais
Artistic direction :
Romy Bouchard

In competition for :

Shoot No Matter What Award

Audience award Focus competition

  • Romane Lepage

    At the end of her studies at UQAM in cinema, Romane Lepage won the award for best graduation short film. Since then, she works as an assistant director and directs short films that explore the in-between areas of human relationships.