Saguenay international
short film festival


In a Swiss mountain village, hikers head out, a fountain splashes reassuringly and a churchwarden prepares a mass. Debut director Valentina Shasivari evokes the calm of this serene landscape with tightly framed shots in contrast-rich black-and-white.

Production :
Cinédokké and Master ECAL/HEAD
Distribution :
Contact :
Sound designer :
Marine Maye
Screenplay :
Valentina Shasivari
Editing :
Gina Calamassi
Cinematographer :
Gaëtab Nicolas

  • Valentina Shasivari

    Born in Italian-speaking Switzerland in 1992. Master's degree in Art History and Social Anthropology from the University of Bern. Since 2020 MA studies in cinema at ECAL/HEAD (École Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne).