Alice is a Montreal student. One spring morning, her class is interrupted by the announcement of one of her best friends' suicide. Alice spends the rest of the day feeling numb, with no one helping her. It is the beginning of an absent mourning.
Production :
Distribution :
Bande Sonimage
Contact :
Music :
Jose-Gabriel Bazan Gauthier
Sound designer :
Zachary Plourde
Screenplay :
Philippe Berthelet
Cast :
Annie De Raiche, Paul Doucet, Christina Hauser and Sara Montpetit
Editing :
Philippe Berthelet
Cinematographer :
Aimé Irabahaye and Nicholas Tadros
Artistic direction :
Kitana Zephir
In competition for :
Public Award - Parallel Competition
Shoot No Matter What Award
Other films / Shoot No Matter What 2