Saguenay international
short film festival


A Holocaust survivor reads a letter he wrote to the pig who saved his life. A young schoolgirl hears his testimony in class and sinks into a twisted dream where she confronts questions of identity, collective trauma, and the extremes of human nature.

Production :
Miyu Productions
Distribution :
Miyu Distribution
Contact :
Music :
Pierre Oberkampf
Screenplay :
Tal Kantor
Editing :
Efrat Berger

In competition for :

Jury Award

Best Animation Short Film Award

Quebec Critic Award AQCC

Public Award - Official Competition

  • Tal Kantor

    Born in 1988, Tal Kantor is an award-winning animation filmmaker and visual artist. She graduated with honours from the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, where she currently teaches in the Department of Screen-based Arts. In her work, Tal deals with the subject of memory and uses a unique technique that she perfected and which combines drawing, photography, video and paint.