Saguenay international
short film festival


On a visit, Ophelia discovers that her mother is still strongly addicted to cigarettes, and it is making her very ill. Distraught by the idea that she could lose her mother, Ophelia decides to stay to help her quit smoking. She eventually comes to understand that smoking is not the only culprit for her mother’s ailments.

Production :
Distribution :
Contact :
Music :
Samuel Desrosiers
Sound designer :
Alejandro Magaña Martinez
Screenplay :
Marie-Claude Béchard
Cast :
Nina Duval and Marianne Labonté
Editing :
Marie-Claude Béchard
Cinematographer :
René Arseneau
Artistic direction :
Josiane Cloutier

  • Marie-Claude Béchard

    After studying cinema, I wrote and directed many fictional short films, several of which were selected by festivals (Fantasia, REGARD). In 2021, I participated in the Course des régions with the short film Nos cendres. I am currently working on several projects, including the short film De l'autre côté du vide and two feature films.