Saguenay international
short film festival


Winter. A vessel sets off into the Saint-Laurent River. On board are a number of curious and stubborn figures. The steady rhythm of oars emerges, punctuating their momentum toward an unpredictable, absolute land and encounters with kindred spirits. An uncompromising tactile immersion in matter that conflates us, by its infinite smallness, with what truly defines us.

Production :
Distribution :
Contact :
Music :
Robin Servant
Sound designer :
Robin Servant
Cast :
Les Canotières de l'est
Editing :
Geneviève Bélanger Genest
Cinematographer :
Geneviève Bélanger Genest

  • Geneviève Bélanger Genest

    A native of Rimouski, Geneviève studied visual arts and dance. Her work as a filmmaker focuses on the relationship between humans and the land. She is currently completing a program in digital arts at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. Alongside her artistic and academic pursuits, she works as an assistant director and production coordinator.