Saguenay international
short film festival


In 2014, two girls, aged 13 and 14, tortured and killed a vulnerable woman in her own home. We don’t know what exactly transpired that night. However, the girls posted pictures and videos on social media throughout the night.

Production :
RockPaperScissors Film
Distribution :
RockPaperScissors Film
Contact :
Sound designer :
Timmer Taeymans
Screenplay :
Ivo Neefjes and Mats Pylyser
Cast :
Kayla Ceulemans, Lauren Gunst and Joan Roumen
Editing :
Faustine Cros
Cinematographer :
Virgil DeClercq
Artistic direction :
Olga Preiss

  • Ivo Neefjes

    Ivo Neefjes works as a university researcher in theoretical chemistry. In his free time, he writes screenplays both for himself to direct, and for other directors.