Saguenay international
short film festival

Four minutes to express yourself, tell a story or solve the world’s problems: that’s what the Festival International de Film Très Court has been all about for more than 20 years. In the process it has helped spark new trends in audio-visual creation around the world. Every genre is represented: fiction, documentary, animation, synthetic images. All films are 4 minutes or shorter, including credits. That’s the one and only rule!

Another thing that’s special about the festival is that it runs simultaneously on five continents, in nearly 70 cities. Quebec’s representative is Montreal.

We’ll be showing a Best-of drawn from recent editions of this wonderfully eclectic festival, whose 22nd edition will take place in Montreal from June 5 to 14.

For all audiences. Free Admission.

Podcast Maison VIII
March 14 - 07:30PM
Best of Très Court Festival
March 14 - 07:30PM
DJ XL5’s Nine Lives Zappin’ Party
March 14 - 09:00PM