Saguenay international
short film festival


Listening to a recently found cassette brings cartoonist Zviane back to her childhood. Based on a real recording, this hilarious film playfully explores a child’s imagination.

Production :
Office national du film du Canada and Sacrebleu Productions,
Distribution :
Office national du film du Canada
Contact :
Animation :
Perlman Janet
Sound designer :
Drapeau Pierre Yves
Screenplay :
Zviane .

  • Zviane .

    Cartoonist Zviane (a.k.a. Sylvie-Anne Ménard) is also a music teacher who studied composition at Université de Montréal. Since 2004, her many graphic novels and comic books—particularly Mauve ciel, Esquive and L’ostie d’chat (co-created with Iris)—have enjoyed great popular and critical success in Quebec and Canada.