Saguenay international
short film festival

100% Regions

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Chaudière-Appalaches, Saguenay, Mashteuiatsh, Estrie, Gaspésie and Bas-Saint-Laurent are the home regions of these stories crafted outside the big cities. Inspired by the graceful birds of the St. Lawrence River, the choreography of Marée noire (Sumber Tides) defies the rigours of winter along the riverbank. Immortelle (Immortals), shot in 8 mm, explores the relationship between bodies, the imagination and nature. In Salut chasseur (Goodbye, Hunter) we visit the Frigons, for whom hunting is a family affair involving equal measures of passion and skill – both handed down from generation to generation. Just out of jail, the protagonist of Sylvie en liberté decides to confront her troubled past by showing up unannounced in her home village; meanwhile, Édouard must confront his inner demons in Ils étaient (They were). Puakuteu, a women’s collective in Mashteuiatsh, crafts healing dolls called Ilnikueu (Healing dolls) and becomes a safe space where the women can talk about their grief and their healing. This decentralized program, spanning the vastness of Quebec, reflects the richness and diversity of regional filmmaking.

Length : 01H30
Presented by
In collaboration with