Saguenay international
short film festival

Local Night

With great fanfare, our traditional Local Night will take the form of a cine-concert, launching our 20-year celebrations. Musicians from the Centre d’Expérimentation Musicale will reinterpret the 
score for Kenny Leguier’s visual odyssey as first conceived by Arthur Knoerr. The evening will also be an opportunity to be amongst the first to discover the films of the 5 Shorts (5 Courts) project’s second edition. 5 Shorts is a NFB initiative produced this year in collaboration with Bande Sonimage.
Established filmmakers, emerging artists, residents or originally from the region, this program will transport you through a happy mix of fictitious and documented stories, between contemplation and experimentation. Come experience the effervescence of local shorts!

Length : 02H00
Presented by