Saguenay international
short film festival


With the shade around her waist / she dreams on her balcony, […] Under the gypsy moon, / all things are watching her / and she cannot see them. Visual poetry in the rhythm of fantastic dreams and passionate nights.

Contact :
Animation :
Theodore Ushev
Music :
Asphalt Tango
Sound designer :
Olivier Calvert
Screenplay :
Theodore Ushev
Distributor :
La Distributrice De Films
Editing :
Theodore Ushev
Producer :
Theodore Ushev

In competition for :

  • Theodore Ushev

    Theodor is an animator, graphic designer, illustrator and multimedia artist. Graduated from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia and moved to Montréal in 1999. He makes award winning films such as Gloria Victoria, Lipsett Diaries, Drux Flux, Tower Bawher.