Saguenay international
short film festival

Dokufest: New Kosovo voices

“Like everything else, after the war, Kosovo's cinematography began its era from the beginning.un boost
For almost 20 years in a row, filming in Kosovo was considered a crime by the regime at that time, therefore, with the independence in 1999, many untold and collected stories began to be exposed to the public through film. In recent years, Kosovar cinematography has made a revolution in the world film industry, where the films produced especially by the new generation of filmmakers were selected and triumphed in the world's top festivals. Despite the modest conditions, the authors proved that they have the talent to tell our unique stories in a special form and style. The program itself contains the new generation or so-called New Wave Kosovar filmmakers, films that deal with extremely important topics for our society and at the same time is a true reflection of the truth in our country.”

Samir Karahoda, filmmaker and programmer at Dokufest

Founded in 2002 with the aim of revitalizing cinema and cultural life in Prizren, the International Documentary and Short Film Festival DokuFest is the most important film festival in Kosovo. Every year, the event fills the cinemas and screening halls of the historic center of Prizren with a selection of more than 200 films from all over the world. Exhibitions of documentary photos, debates, master classes and lively musical events are all part of the 9 days of the festival.

Length : 01H30
Presented by