Saguenay international
short film festival


We dream of being at the beach; Nelson wants to run away from it. We want vacations but Nelson only wants to work. So, during the night, he is already up and during the day, he walks among us.Yet, he goes unnoticed...

Production :
Alexandre Beaumont-Vachon / EMCV
Distribution :
Contact :
Editing :
Alexandre Beaumont-Vachon
Cinematographer :
Alexandre Beaumont-Vachon

In competition for :

Saguenay Best Creation Award

  • Alexandre Beaumont-Vachon

    Alexandre Beaumont-Vachon is a Quebec filmmaker from Saint-Félicien. A graduate of the Baccalaureate in outdoor intervention from the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi, he works mainly as an adventure tourism guide. It was during an 18-month solo trip to Latin America that Alexander felt the need to fight the social injustices he saw. To do this, he decided to return to studying documentary cinema in 2018. His first short film on the working conditions of Haitians in the Dominican Republic, Playeros: beach workers, is the fruit of his final project.