Did you miss Thursday’s screening? You’re in luck, there’s one on Saturday! To help you make sure you don’t miss anything, this selection will be presented twice during the festival – because we love to please fans of movie gore and adrenaline rushes!
It all starts with a thoroughly twisted national anthem in Oh…Canada, a rather creepy look at Canadian identity. When a man rushes to save his wife in The Hum, some prime jump scares are the result. Meanwhile, a couple are rudely awoken by a dangerously manipulative voice in Dreem Creep. While fates unite in life and death, the intriguing Familiar reminds us of the importance of the family we choose – even for vampires.
Feeling trapped in her zombie life, Zoé is bored and looking to get away and reconnect with the real world. All it takes is one small mistake to wind up in the world of Witch, where traumatized muggles watch an unlikely show. Vegan Mayo proves that a sausage can be, well, erotic, among other things. And in the classic cheesy B movie style we love so much, The Sentry wraps things up with the unlikely adventures of a spy who must confront the ghosts of his past, literally.
Double the fun, with one exclusive in each session – our specialty!
Tickets may be available at the box office for this screening, depending on availability. Arrive early to secure your seat.