Saguenay international
short film festival


After arguing, Dan and Élise decide to leave for the cottage as to spend time together. Once there, not only do they find a freezing cottage but they are faced with the unexpected presence of Jean-François and Françoise which upsets their reconciliation project.

Production :
Indépendant and Les Productions Ecranhia inc.
Distribution :
Indépendant and Les Productions Ecranhia inc.
Contact :
Screenplay :
Gab Germano
Cast :
Marie-Soleil Dion, Louis-Olivier Mauffette, Félix Monette-Dubeau and Marie-Ève Perron
Editing :
Véronique Renaud
Cinematographer :
Vincent Bourassa

  • Gab Germano

    Gab Germano was born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and was raised in Quebec city. After completing sociology studies, he went for cinema and attended UQAM Film School in 2012. Since then, he wrote, directed and acted in five short films, all of which have screened in numerous film festivals.