Saguenay international
short film festival

Yippee! Coffee, muffins and people!

The Networking Breakfast are a not-to-be-missed morning get-together around here!

It's a great opportunity to meet new people and catch up for those who already know each other. The event takes place in the lobby of Chicoutimi's beautiful Pulperie on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd mornings, from 10:00 to 12:00.

For those of you who haven't yet attended our Networking Breakfasts, the concept is quite simple: you'll be assigned to tables for 20-minute rounds, and each time the bell rings, you'll be asked to go to the next table indicated on your admission ticket. It's a great way to get to know a lot of people from the industry.

See you there!

Networking Breakfast #2
March 23 - 10:00AM
SODEC Network : Tea Time !
March 23 - 01:00PM
Think Tank: relations among Canadian festivals
March 23 - 02:30PM
TaCIC Meeting
March 23 - 03:00PM