Saguenay international
short film festival

We Go to Movies

The program We Go to The Movies offers a selection of shorts for teenagers aged 13 years old and older.

The program will feature powerful short films, chosen to challenge people to think and open discussions with friends, or even with parents. The movies focus on current issues, including:

—How 700,000 fans on Instagram challenge a 16-year-old artist to think about her practice and celebrity.

—How the news in a newspaper can be brought to life, thanks to the magic of animation.

—How a 15-year-old teenager can find the courage to cope with everyday life, when suffering from a critical illness.

In addition to this program, we will present two films entirely produced by student teams from Polyvalente Jonquière and Polyvalente Kénogami.

An activity that promises to be outstanding and that will be hosted by the actor Félix-Antoine Tremblay, originally from the region!

Length : 02H00