Saguenay international
short film festival

Retrospective: Inside David Uloth’s Head

David is one of the Festival’s favourite directors. A cherished filmmaker with his human side whose career path swings back and forth between (often dark) comedy and drama. We have followed his work since The Shine (2002), his first self-funded film after his studies at Concordia. Since then, he has produced and directed thirteen short films that have travelled to over 300 festivals. It goes without saying that his presence at REGARD’s 20th edition with his film La Voce remains one of the Festival’s most memorable moments: National Grand Prize, Public Prize and a Mention from the Critics Jury.

By revisiting his films in the presence of their director, you will have the privilege of entering his universe, hearing this loquacious, funny and fascinating character comment and describe juicy anecdotes mixed with adventures and observations during shooting and production. This screening already looks like one of our 21st edition’s must-see events.

Length : 02H00
Presented by