Saguenay international
short film festival

FOCUS: Performance Art

Ephemeral in nature, performance art is anchored in the present. Thus, after performance acts, what remains? Can traces of this art of risk and based on “the now” rise on any medium other than space-time? These are questions we will be asking during this screening where performance becomes the subject, the motive. Art videos highlighting performance are juxtaposed with shorts where performance is first conceived to subsequently be presented on film.
Let us surprise you with a program that reflects the variety of forms explored by this constantly evolving art and come experience a privileged moment by visiting this rich and unique universe.
Welcome to neophytes, the inquisitive and audiences who have already been 

FOCUS: Performance Art is presented with the support of the Bang Centre. The Bang Centre endorses the necessity of the art and of the artist in society by supporting the practice of visual and digital arts by Quebecois, Canadian and international artists.

Length : 02H00
Presented by
In collaboration with