Saguenay international
short film festival

Butter is to oven-fresh croissants what Pro Breakfasts are to new friends!

Don't miss the gotta-be-there event of Le Marché, taking place this year in La Pulperie de Chicoutimi, one of the region’s most beautiful heritage sites.

The aim of this speed-greeting round-table activity is to create links between the local industry and our international guests, in a very warm atmosphere.

Registration only; number of places limited.

Reminder: Pro Breakfasts are exclusively for professional accreditation holders and selected filmmakers.

Registration opens Tuesday, March 7

Networking Breakfast #1
March 23 - 10:00AM
Networking Breakfast 2
March 24 - 10:00AM
The Saguenay Film Commission Bus Tour
March 24 - 01:00PM
Think Tank: The Place of Markets in Festivals
March 25 - 11:00AM
SODEC Network : Bingo !
March 25 - 01:00PM