Saguenay international
short film festival


Following her return from a long stay abroad, Amélie invites her friends Maude and Pascale to a cottage. On the way there, in a disturbing and isolated forest, Amélie tries to reconnect with Maude, while the rivalry between Pascale and her takes a dark turn.

Production :
Cinquième maison
Distribution :
Contact :
Music :
Jean-Sébastien Williams
Sound designer :
Thierry Bourgault D’Amico, Jocelyn Lauzon and Patrice Leblanc
Screenplay :
Marie Davignon
Cast :
Sabrina Bégin Tejeda, Marine Johnson, Robert Morin and Rose-Marie Perrault
Editing :
Myriam Magassouba
Cinematographer :
Shawn Pavlin

  • Marie Davignon

    Native from Montréal, Marie Davignon graduated in cinema at the University of Quebec and has been working as a cinematographer ever since, before writing and directing the short film GIRLFRIENDS. Marie now shares her time between her personal projects as a director, screenwriter and her career as a cinematographer.