Saguenay international
short film festival


A police search disturbs the peace and quiet of a suburban family and arouses suspicions in Nicolas about his father Sylvain, a secret man with suspicious activities.

Production :
Couronne Nord
Distribution :
H264 distribution
Contact :
Music :
Philippe Brault
Screenplay :
Nicolas Krief
Cast :
Michmahëll Aubourg Clergé, Mathieu Dufresne, Yasser Essoulimani, Ella Farah, Johanne Haberlin and Ariel Ifergan
Editing :
Sophie Benoît Sylvestre

  • Nicolas Krief

    Born of a Tunisian Jewish father and a Saguenay mother, Nicolas Krief is the fruit of a surprising cultural and genetic mix. In 2014, he won the SARTEC prize for the workshop Cours écrire ton court. A passionate screenwriter film enthusiast, he collaborated on several projects released in 2020, including the short series Les fleuristes, broadcast on TV5 and Télé-Québec, as well as Jusqu'au déclin (The decline), Netflix's first Quebec film. Themes of identity mixing, cultural heritage and filiation are dear to the author, who is currently working on various feature film projects.